A Case for Dr. Morelle
Adventures of the Abbotts
Adventures of Christopher London
Adventures of Frank Race, The
Adventures of Philip Marlowe, The
Adventures of Sam Spade, The
A Life in Your Hands
Amazing Mr. Malone
A Murder of Quality
Barry Craig, C.I.
Big Guy
Big Story, The
Blackstone the Magic Detective
Blue Beetle, The
Border Patrol
Boston Blackie
Box 13
Brick Mallory
Broadway is My Beat
Bulldog Drummond
Calling All Cars
Calling All Detectives
Call the Police
Candy Matson
Carolyn Day Detective
Casebook of Gregory Hood
Case Dismissed
Casey Crime Photographer
Challenge of the Yukon
Charlie Chan
The Chase
Chick Carter Boy Detective
Consider Your Verdict
Crime and Peter Chambers
Crime Classics
Crime Club
Crime Doctor
Crime Does Not Pay
Crime Files of Flammond
Danger Dr. Danfield
Danger with Granger
Defense Attorney
Detectives Black and Blue
Diamond Dramas, The
Dick Barton Special Agent
Dick Tracy
Did Justice Triumph?
Don Gray
Drama of the Courts
Dr. Tim Detective
Easy Money
Eno Crime Club
Epic Casebook
European Confidential
Falcon, The
Famous Jury Trials
Fat Man, The
FBI in Peace and War
Federal Agent
Green Hornet, The
Guilty Party
Hearthstone of the Death Squad
Hercule Poirot
Hidden Truth, The
I Deal in Crime
I Hate Crime
Inspector Thorne
In the Name of the Law
It's a Crime Mr. Collins
I Was a Communist for the FBI
Jeff Regan
Johnny Modero
Junior G-Men
Kitty Keene
Lady in Blue
Leonidas Witherall
Let George Do It
Line Up, The
Man From Homicide
Man Hunt
Martin Kane P.I.
Matthew Slade P.I.
Meet Miss Sherlock
Michael Shayne
Mr. and Mrs. North
Mr. Chameleon
Mr. District Attorney
Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons
Mr. Moto
Murder and Mr. Malone
Murder by Experts
Murder Clinic
Murder Will Out
Adventures of Nero Wolfe, The
Nick Carter
Nick Harris
Night Beat
Night Watch
Official Detective
Pat Novak for Hire
Perry Mason
Pete Kelly Blues
Philo Vance
Phyl Coe Radio Mysteries
Police Blotter
Police Headquarters
Private Files of Rex Saunders
Richard Diamond
Rocky Fortune
Rocky Jordan
Rogues Gallery
Saint, The
Secrets of Scotland Yard
Si and Elmer
Somebody Knows
Squad Cars
Stand by for Crime
That Hammer Guy
That Strong Guy
This is Your FBI
Thrills of the Highway Patrol
T Man
True Detective Mysteries
21st Precinct
33 Half Moon Street
Under Arrest
Unit 99
Up For Parole
Walk Softly Peter Troy
Whisperer, The
Whisper Men
Whitehal 1212
Yours Truly Johnny Dollar
You are the Jury