Comedy Series Added

  • Pabst Blue Ribbon Show
  • It's Time to Smile
  • Texaco Town
  • New Updates

    The following series have been updated with additional episodes:

  • Inner Sanctum Mysteries
  • Take a look at what's new at Scoots Brew!!

    Inner Sanctum Mysteries

    Inner Sanctum Mysteries was a popular old-time radio program that ran from January 7, 1941 to October 5, 1952. Its creator was Himan Brown, who later created the long-running CBS Radio Mystery Theater. It featured stories of mystery, terror and suspense told, in sharp contrast to shows like Suspense and The Whistler, with a broad tongue-in-cheek approach. A total of 526 episodes are known to have been produced, a great many of which are lost today.

    Mystery Genre

    Best Detective Series of Radio's Golden Age

    Detective series were a large part of what radio was back in the day. Some of radio's earliest programming revolved around fighting the bad guys. Truly a remarkable genre.
     indicates multiple volumes     indicates new item. -- 137 Detective Radio Series!