NBC Special Programs
Listen to the episode -- NBC Silver Jubilee, Jim Jordan
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Volume Number:
Episode Count: 14
Catalog # V-NBCS-1
33-08-31 WKBF-Indianapolis Dedication Program
36-04-12 George Hicks New York�s Easter Parade
41-12-15 We Hold These Truths
42-07-04 Homage to George Gershwin
43-08-12 London Broadcast-Capt Clark Gable
44-08-23 Salute to Self Liberation of Paris 01
44-09-17 Behold The Jew
45-12-24 The Cricket On The Hearth
46-12-25 Christmas Day in America
51-xx-xx 1951 NBC Silver Jubilee, Jim Jordan
53-01-18 NBC Special-End Of An Era-Oral History 1933-1952 wBurgess Meredith
63-xx-xx 1963 Groucho's 68th B-day
64-xx-xx Chase & Sanborn 100th Anniversary
66-11-13 NBC Radio 40th Anniversary