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Listen to the episode -- Buttercup Popcorn
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Volume Number:
Episode Count: 115
Catalog # V-DITA-1
xx-xx-xx 001 A Book of Happiness
xx-xx-xx 002 A Snowcone Please
xx-xx-xx 003 And Now Before The Next Show Starts
xx-xx-xx 004 As You Leave the Theater, Folks
xx-xx-xx 005 Barbeque Sandwich Castleberrys
xx-xx-xx 006 Buttercup Popcorn
xx-xx-xx 007 Castleberrys Pit-Cooked Barbecue Sandwich
xx-xx-xx 008 Come On Jill Give Us a Treat (Dr Pepper)
xx-xx-xx 009 Dog Days... Hot Dog Days That Is
xx-xx-xx 010 Don't Be Alarmed Folks, That's Our Popcorn
xx-xx-xx 011 Eskimo Pie
xx-xx-xx 012 Flavos Shrimp Rolls
xx-xx-xx 013 Folks, It's Really Delicious Pizza Pies
xx-xx-xx 014 For Refreshment Ice Cold Coca Cola
xx-xx-xx 015 Friends Are Meeting In The Snackbar
xx-xx-xx 016 Frosty Delicious Ice Cream
xx-xx-xx 017 GMRX... What's GMRX
xx-xx-xx 018 Great Taste Treat (Castleberrys Barbecue)
xx-xx-xx 019 If You Like Pizza Made the Real Italian Way
xx-xx-xx 020 In The Mood For Hot Coffee
xx-xx-xx 021 Intermission with Pepsi
xx-xx-xx 022 It's Intermission Time, If Leaving
xx-xx-xx 023 Its Refreshment Time (Extended Version)
xx-xx-xx 024 Its Refreshment Time
xx-xx-xx 025 It's Time To Stretch And Fetch
xx-xx-xx 026 Martian at the Drive-In Snackbar
xx-xx-xx 027 Mighty Thirsty for Something Mighty Good
xx-xx-xx 028 Mother's Day Show
xx-xx-xx 029 Now It's Intermission, Delicious Candy Bars
xx-xx-xx 030 Orange Crush
xx-xx-xx 031 Our Hamburgers
xx-xx-xx 032 PIC Standard Version
xx-xx-xx 033 Savory Barbecue Beef
xx-xx-xx 034 Sneaking Out To The Drive-In
xx-xx-xx 035 Special Fathers Day Show
xx-xx-xx 036 Steaming Hot Coffee
xx-xx-xx 037 Steamy, Flavorful Hot Chocolate
xx-xx-xx 038 Temptaste Barbeque Time
xx-xx-xx 039 The End Appears On Our Screen
xx-xx-xx 040 Try One of Our Frozen Delicacies
xx-xx-xx 041 Try One of These Delicious Candy Bars
xx-xx-xx 042 Ungo Boga Snackbar (Dr Pepper)
xx-xx-xx 043 Visit Our Snackbar (Castleberrys Barbeque)
xx-xx-xx 044 Way Down in Old VA (Smithfield Barbecue)
xx-xx-xx 045 We'll Have An Intermission For A Little While
xx-xx-xx 046 What's To Eat Ice Cream Bars
xx-xx-xx 047 After a Complete Show
xx-xx-xx 048 Burnz-O-Matic In-Car Heaters
xx-xx-xx 049 California Crispy Pizza
xx-xx-xx 050 Chilly Dilly, The Personality Pickle
xx-xx-xx 051 Coffee
xx-xx-xx 052 Enjoy Your Evening To The Fullest
xx-xx-xx 053 Fanta Orange
xx-xx-xx 054 Free Glass
xx-xx-xx 055 Get more out Life-Come Often
xx-xx-xx 056 Golden Pure Creamery Butter
xx-xx-xx 057 Here Comes Flavos
xx-xx-xx 058 Here's a Quickie Quiz
xx-xx-xx 059 Here's Magic, Popcorn Magic
xx-xx-xx 060 Here's Our Own Very Special Hot Chocolate
xx-xx-xx 061 Hi, Ya Hungry... Try A Juicy Hot Dog
xx-xx-xx 062 Hot Chocolate is just the drink
xx-xx-xx 063 How About A Cold Drink
xx-xx-xx 064 How About A Cup Of Coffee
xx-xx-xx 065 Hurry Hurry A Short Intermission
xx-xx-xx 066 Its Intermission Time Folks
xx-xx-xx 067 It's Time To Eat (Temptaste Barbecue)
xx-xx-xx 068 Jr hes always hungry-BBQ
xx-xx-xx 069 Lets Play Dutch Treat
xx-xx-xx 070- Minute Classic Clock
xx-xx-xx 071 Mustard And Relish
xx-xx-xx 072 Our Coffee is Pure Perfection
xx-xx-xx 073 Over Here Over Where Intermission
xx-xx-xx 074 Picture Of A Perfect Hamburger
xx-xx-xx 075 Please Replace the speaker-v
xx-xx-xx 076 Plenty of Time
xx-xx-xx 077 Snow Cones
xx-xx-xx 078 Start With Truly Good Meat Barbecue
xx-xx-xx 079 The Drizzle Guard
xx-xx-xx 080 The Favorite of Young and Old Alike-Ice Cream
xx-xx-xx 081 The Flying Trapeze (Chocolate Toddy)
xx-xx-xx 082 The Goodies Machine
xx-xx-xx 083 The Most popular Drink Milk
xx-xx-xx 084 the thing that's real coke
xx-xx-xx 085 The Time Is Now, The Time Is Here
xx-xx-xx 086 Those Good Ol' Time Flavors
xx-xx-xx 087 Time Now For Your Barbecue Break
xx-xx-xx 088 To Add to Your Enjoyment of the Movies
xx-xx-xx 089 Tolona Pizza
xx-xx-xx 090 Try Our Delicious Pizza
xx-xx-xx 091 Visit Our Concession and See for Yourself
xx-xx-xx 092 Visit Us Often-An a Bottle Warmer
xx-xx-xx 093 We're Off to Visit the Planets
xx-xx-xx 094 What's Your Pleasure Sir or Madame
xx-xx-xx 095 When You Fix Italian Food (Pizza)
xx-xx-xx 096 When You're On A Picnic
xx-xx-xx 097 Wouldn't Hot Buttered Popcorn Hit The Spot
xx-xx-xx 098 Your Attention, Please Hang Your Speaker
xx-xx-xx 099 All Aboard the Snackbar Special (Coca Cola)
xx-xx-xx 100 Candy is Dandy at the Drive-In Theater
xx-xx-xx 101 Candy Is Delicious Food, Eat Some Every Day
xx-xx-xx 102 Candy
xx-xx-xx 103 Cigarettes-version 1
xx-xx-xx 104 Cigarettes-version 2
xx-xx-xx 105 Hey Mom Dinner at the Drive-In
xx-xx-xx 106 How Do You Like Your Pizza
xx-xx-xx 107 I Eat Popcorn Everybody Eats Popcorn
xx-xx-xx 108 It took a Degree of Learning-BBQ
xx-xx-xx 109 Please Replace the speaker-v
xx-xx-xx 110 Recapture Winters Coolness-Cold Drink
xx-xx-xx 111 The Treasure at the End of the Rainbow
xx-xx-xx 112 This is a Dill Pickle
xx-xx-xx 113 To The Refreshment Center
xx-xx-xx 114 Train Robbery (Chocolate Toddy)
xx-xx-xx 115 You'll Like Our Pizza Pies