The Aladdin Lamp Show
Listen to the episode -- First Song - If We Can't Be Sweethearts

Volume Number: 1

Episode Count: 36

Catalog # V-TALS-1

In the early 1930s Smilin' Ed McConnell promoted Aladdin Kerosene Lamps with remarkable success over WLW in Cincinnati, Ohio. He became a well known radio personality as 'The Aladdin Lamp Man' who sang songs, told stories and sold Aladdin lamps over the air.

By 1948, 145 ABC stations were subscribing to his 15 minute programs. Smilin' Ed's humor, songs, and music were condensed into a five-minute program especially for electric lamp dealers. So it is very likely that this series originated after 1948.

Through his personable style, Smilin' Ed touched the lives of millions of housewives. He said in one program, 'Honey, a house without an Aladdin kerosene or electric lamp is like a house without a door -- incomplete!'
